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Adjuvant List Entry Details

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Great Britain and Northern Ireland List Entry



List Entry No. 20230323

A soluble concentrate formulation containing 1160 g/l plant extract ( EAC 1) and 140 g/l sugars (monosaccharides and polysaccharides) ( EAC 2); (detailed formulation as specified in the application form dated 16 October 2018 (HSE ref.: W001872732) submitted in support of this List Entry)

dedetec, Richard-Kuenzerstrasse 3 D, 79102 FREIBURG, Germany

Date Of Inclusion

Requirements to which use of adjuvant is subject

Field Of Use
Only as an adjuvant

CropsPesticidesMaximum Concentration (% spray solution)Maximum number of treatmentsLatest time of application
All Non Edible CropsAll authorised plant protection products5Follow the statutory conditions of use of the plant protection productFollow the statutory conditions of use of the plant protection product
All Edible CropsAll authorised plant protection products at half or less than half the authorised plant protection product rate5Follow the statutory conditions of use of the plant protection productFollow the statutory conditions of use of the plant protection product
In addition, this adjuvant may be used at a maximum concentration of 5 % spray solution on the following crops, up to the growth stages specified, with all approved pesticides applied up to their full approved rate:
CropsLatest time of application
Almondup to and including first fruit set
Apple and pearup to and including fruit 5 - 10 mm
Apricot, cherry, peach and nectarine, plumup to and including first fruit set
Table Grapes, Wine Grapesup to and including first fruit set
Strawberryup to and including first fruit development
Blackberryup to and including first fruit development
Raspberryup to and including first fruit set
Blackcurrant and redcurrantup to and including first visible green fruitlet
Potatoup to and including tuber initiation
Carrot, Parsnip, Turnip, Swedeup to and including 9 true leaves unfolded
Red beetup to and including six fully expanded leaves. Does not include beetroot grown for salad leaf use
Garlic, Bulb Onion, Shallot, salad onionup to and including 9 leaves clearly visible
Aubergine, Cucumber, Melon, Pepper and Chilli, Winter Squash and Pumpkinup to and including first fruit set
Tomatoup to and including first fruit set on first truss
Sweetcornup to and including tip of tassel visible
Broccoli / calabreseup to and including heads begin to form; width of growing tip > 1 cm2
Cauliflowerup to and including cauliflower heads begin to form; width of growing tip up to 1 cm2
Brussels sproutup to and including lateral buds begin to develop
Cabbageup to and including heads begin to form
Oriental cabbagesvarieties forming heads: up to and including heads begin to form
Oriental cabbagesvarieties not forming heads: up to and including leaf rosette has reached 30% of the diameter typical for the variety
Collard, kalemain shoot has reached 30% of the expected height typical for the variety
Lettucevarieties forming heads: up to and including heads begin to form
Lettucevarieties not forming heads: up to and including leaf rosette has reached 30% of the diameter typical for the variety
Rocketup to and including 3rd true leaf unfolded
Spinachleaf rosette has reached 30% of the expected diameter typical for the variety
Broad bean (fresh), Dwarf French bean, Runner beans, Edible podded peaup to and including first pod set
Vining peaup to and including flat pod (non-edible pods only)
Leekup to and including 9 leaves clearly visible
Field beanup to and including first pod set
Soya bean - (dry)end of flowering: first pods visible (approx 5mm length) - BBCH 69-609
Combining peaup to and including flat pod (non-edible pods only)
Linseedup to and including 10% capsules formed
Oilseed rapeup to and including 10% potential pods
Boragebeginning of ripening: seed green
Soya beanend of flowering: first pods visible (approx 5mm length) - BBCH 69-609
Cerealsup to and including GS52 (1/4 inflorescence)
Hopsup to and including cone set
Sugar beetup to and including 6 fully expanded leaves
Forage Maizeup to and including tip of tassel visible
Fodder beet, Mangelup to and including 6 fully expanded leaves
Beans without pods (dry)Up to and including first pod set
Beans without pods (fresh)Up to and including first pod set
Operators must:
(1)   Follow all operator protection instructions for the plant protection product. Where the personal protective equipment specified on the adjuvant label is different to that specified on the plant protection product label, the highest level of protective equipment must be worn.

1). Authorised labels for plant protection products may require the use of an adjuvant to achieve the necessary pest control claims. This is known as a ‘positive tank mix’ and differs from the majority of tank mix recommendations where no enhanced control is claimed (‘convenience tank mixes’).

By derogation from the above list entry, where a plant protection product label includes a ‘positive tank mix’ which names either this specific adjuvant or a class of adjuvants to which this adjuvant belongs, it is possible to deviate from the requirements of this list entry as long as the requirements of the ‘positive tank mix’ on the plant protection product label are fully complied with.

2). It is the responsibility of the end user to ensure the active substance or plant protection product referred to on this list entry are currently authorised for use when applying in a tank mix.

To check authorised products please go to: Pesticides Register - Search Page

To check active substances please refer to either the EU database (EU Pesticides Database (v.2.2) Search Active substances, safeners and synergists) or the GB register ( as necessary.