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The GB MRL (Maximum Residue Level) Statutory Register

GB MRLs for pesticide residues are set by inclusion in the GB MRL Statutory Register under Assimilated Regulation No 396/2005.

Warning: Check the MRL details and footnotes for important information:

  • The residue definitions for which MRLs are set, including where different residue definitions apply to specific commodities
  • The dates when MRLs came into force
  • Whether transitional provisions apply to products treated before the MRLs came into force
  • MRL amendment history
  • The Part of the Register in which the MRL is listed
  • MRL supplementary information (previously known as MRL confirmatory data) - references to the 'Commission' should be read as 'competent authority' and data submission deadlines prior to 01 January 2021 should be read as 01 September 2021 - MRL supplementary information should be submitted to HSE
  • For MRLs with a deferred entry period, when the MRLs will enter into force – the current MRLs will have an expiry date and the amended MRLs will only appear from the date of entry into force – the MRLs will be outlined in a decision document in the GB MRL publications spreadsheet

The Parts of the GB MRL Statutory Register

  • Part 1: products or parts of products to which MRLs apply.
  • Part 2: ‘definitive’ MRLs that have been set for active substances.
  • Part 3: ‘temporary’ MRLs (tMRLs) for:
    1. active substances for which a first MRL review has not been undertaken.
    2. active substance/commodity combinations set for a limited time period (for example, to cover an emergency authorisation or cross-contamination). These may have an expiry date after which lower MRLs apply, and they may require supplementary information to assess the continued validity of the tMRL.
  • Part 4: active substances for which MRLs do not apply when taking into account the uses of those active substances.
  • Part 5: default values set for active substances which are not in Parts 2 - 4. The active substances are typically no longer approved. The values take into account the routine analytical methods available.
  • Part 6: intended to contain a list of specific concentration or dilution factors set for specific processing operations. Currently no factors are included.
  • Part 7: combinations of active substances and products which may exceed the levels in Parts 2 and 3 when used as a post-harvest fumigant provided that:
    1. such products are not intended for immediate consumption; and
    2. appropriate controls are in place to ensure that such products cannot be made available to the end user or consumer, if they are supplied directly to the latter, until the residues no longer exceed the MRLs specified in Part 2 or 3.

If a pesticide active substance has not been specifically included in Parts 2 – 5, the default MRL of 0.01 mg/kg applies to the residues that arise from the active substance.